Product Family - View and Create

To add products to a Product Family, we must first create a Product Family. In this article, let's see how we can view the existing Product Family and create new Product Family.

View Product Family

  1. To view existing Product Family, go to the Top Menu Bar, and click on Products > Product Groups.

  2. You should see the Product Groups list page. Use the Filters to search for a specific Product Group.

  3. Click on the Name hyperlink to see more information.

Create Product Family

  1. From the Top Menu Bar, click on Products > Product Groups.

  2. On the Product Groups page, click on Add Product Group.

  3. Fill the following fields.
    • Generic Product : Add a name for the Product Family. This name will be referenced as Product Family in all the relevant page in OpenBoxes.
    • Category (Optional) : Select a category for the Product Family.
    • Restrictions (Optional) : Add restriction information as needed.

      Cliquez sur Créer.

Now you have successfully created a new Product Family! You will be able to see the Product Family for products in various pages and filter products by their product family in list pages and reports. Refer to the Introduction to Product Family Article to learn more!

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